My Film Projects
“E-Men” is a humorous animated short used to support Survios’s Raw Data, the company’s first major VR title. “E-Men” was used both in-game and for the marketing of the product on platforms such as YouTube. I created sound design and VO recordings for the project, which required constant communication with our animation partner, Powerhouse Animation Studios.
Less Trash, More Treasure
This documentary tells the story of the two founders of “Urban Barrels,” a California-based company that builds quality goods from recycled and repurposed materials. My role on this project included sound design and dialog editing for the entire documentary.
LMU Preview Day Video
This is a promotional video I was hired to work on by The Matts Productions for LMU. My role in this project was on the audio production side. I followed the cinematographer around the campus all day to capture the audio for interviews and ambiance of this event. I used a SoundDevices portable mixer and a Sennheiser 416 on a boom pole to capture all the audio in the video. I then delivered the files which were aligned using Plural Eyes software and assisted with the post-production audio editing/treatment as needed.